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Blueprint Arts Concert :: Choose the Path- Pirates!

Saturday, May 6, 2023 • 6:07 p.m.
5830 NE Alameda Street, Portland
featuring ensembles Burgundy, Topaz, and The Super Cuts, with Peach and Onyx


As a primary goal of the organization is to provide all people with opportunities to experience
the performing arts, with support from
this Blueprint organization-sponsored show is pay what you want!
Which can be as low as, well… free!


Finishing their 2022 spring performances, Blueprint utilizes a unique concept within the choral arena:
letting the audience choose what comes next!

With provided handheld digital devices, the audience will get opportunities to select/vote
— at numerous junctures in this pirate thriller —
which path the main characters will take next!

Backed by a fast-paced plot, audio and visual enhancements, and (of course) an amazing soundtrack,
the jukebox-musical-style Choose-Your-Adventure-Now show packs fun and quirky elements together with
the amazing choral music that the organization highlights at every show!

THE STORY (in a sentence or two):
Pirates are running — well, sailing — rampant!  What are we to do?

Come be part of the story, helping decide what our heroes will do next, with a soundtrack that includes:

• Johnny Cash’s Hurt
One Day More from Les Miserables
A Whole New World from Aladdin
• Lady Gaga’s Hold My Hand
• Bonnie Tyler’s Holdin’ Out for a Hero
• Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer
• Esenvald’s Longing

And, of course, you can’t set sail without a sea shanty!

Oh, and much, much more!

Grab your eyepatch and peg leg and join us for a musical journey of danger and intrigue!
So come and be a part of the show, and a part of the story!